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Winrar 5.00 Beta 7

Winrar 5.00 Beta7 software yang berfungsi untuk membuka dan membuat file compress yang berformat zip, rar, dll bahkan file .iso bisa di ekstrak menggunakan winrar ini. dengan membuat dan meletakkan file kita di winrar ini membuat file kita terlindungi oleh makhluk yang tidak kasat mata (virus :D). yaudah yang mau comot, di comot aja selagi masih anget nih..

Version 5.00 beta 7

   1. Bugs fixed:
      a) when processing a command like:
         WinRAR.exe a -sfxmymodule.sfx arcname.exe
         WinRAR ignored the optional parameter of -sfx switch and used
         default.sfx module. Console RAR.exe did not have this bug;

      b) WinRAR did not create the folder structure necessary to store
         unpacked hard links. So if folder containing a hard link
         did not exist yet, hard link extraction failed;
      c) "rn" command displayed wrong file names for processed files.
         Files were renamed properly, only the screen output was incorrect;

      d) when extracting ACE archive, WinRAR could create empty folders
         contained in such archive in a wrong destination folder.

Download : Winrar 5.00 Beta 7 + Jamu | Mediafire (2 MB)

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